What To Eat With The Spatz3 Balloon?

The decision to undergo a gastric balloon procedure is often a step towards achieving a healthier weight and improving overall well-being. Along with the placement of the gastric balloon, adopting a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for maximizing the benefits of the procedure.

In this article, we will guide you through the essential dietary considerations while your stomach is becoming accustomed to the Spatz3 balloon, highlighting what you can eat and what you should avoid while living with a gastric balloon.


Spatz3 Balloon Diet Considerations Immediately After Placement

Transitioning back to solid foods after having a gastric balloon inserted follows a gradual and structured process. It's important to allow your body to adjust and accommodate the presence of the balloon while ensuring proper nutrition and a smooth transition. The process involves a series of steps to transition from liquids to purees, soft foods, and finally solid foods.

Patients may require varying lengths of time in each phase before progressing to the next, as each individual's needs are unique. It is recommended that you take your time and proceed at your own pace while following the initial Spatz3 balloon diet. It is important to pay attention to your body and avoid rushing to the next stage until you feel ready.

Following is an outline of the general two-week process when reintroducing foods to eat with the Spatz3 balloon:

Stage 1 - Initial Liquid Diet

In the immediate days following the insertion of the gastric balloon, you will begin with only liquids. The liquid stage of the diet generally lasts between 5 days and a week and can be started as soon as you feel up to it. This phase helps your body adjust to the balloon and prevents any potential complications. Once you feel that you are tolerating the liquids, you can advance to including purees in your diet.

The first day after the balloon placement, it is generally recommended that you consume only clear liquids, such as 100% fruit juice, clear broths, sugar-free drinks such as Crystal Light, water, etc. These can also be consumed in frozen form, such as popsicles made from juice or Crystal Light.

Next, you will begin to incorporate other liquids into your diet, such as low-fat milk, unsweetened almond milk, or soy milk, and thin-consistency creamed soups with no chunks, such as cream of chicken, cream of broccoli, or cream of mushroom These may have to be strained before they are consumed. Stay away from carbonated beverages, and drinks high in sugar like sweet tea, and citrus juices.

Stage 2 - Purees

After about a week of liquids, you can progress to purees, which are, in essence, liquids that are much thicker in consistency. Foods such as protein shakes, smoothies, low-fat yogurt, pureed soups, sugar-free pudding, and strained or well-blended smooth foods. The emphasis is on consuming nutrient-rich purees to maintain adequate nourishment while allowing your body to adapt to the gastric balloon.

Stage 3 - Soft Foods

Once you have comfortably tolerated the pureed foods, you can gradually introduce soft foods into your diet. Soft foods can easily be mashed up with a fork, and examples include cooked soft vegetables, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, homemade unsweetened applesauce, soft fruits, well-cooked grains, and flaky fish. Ensure that the foods are soft and easy to chew and digest to prevent discomfort. Stay away from starchy veggies, canned corn, raw vegetables, chunky foods, and desserts with high sugar content such as ice cream or regular pudding.

Stage 4 - Solid Foods

After successfully tolerating soft foods, you can start incorporating solid foods back into your diet. Begin with small, well-chewed portions of easily digestible foods such as lean proteins (chicken, lean tender meats, and fish), whole grains, legumes, cooked vegetables, fruits, and low-fat dairy products. Take care to chew thoroughly and eat slowly to prevent discomfort and aid digestion.

What Should I Eat While On A Spatz3 Balloon Diet?

Once your stomach has become accustomed to the balloon's presence, you can begin to add different foods to your diet. There are a few things to keep in mind as you plan your menu for each day, including:

The capacity of your stomach is smaller than it was previously, so it will be more difficult to consume the daily recommended amount of vitamins and nutrients your body needs to function properly. This means that you need to pay close attention to what you are eating and the order in which you eat it.

While the order of food consumption may vary based on individual preferences and dietary guidelines provided by your doctor, here is a general recommendation:

Each day, aim to consume the following:

  • At least 64 ounces of fluid;
  • 5 protein servings;
  • One serving of soft meat 3–4 oz;
  • One 2 oz. serving of cooked beans, lentils, or legumes;
  • At least 8 oz. of low-fat dairy;
  • 1 oz. low-fat cheese;
  • 2 (½ cup) servings of canned or cooked fruit (no syrup or sugar);
  • 5 servings of vegetables (½ cup cooked).


Eat Foods In This Order While Following A Spatz3 Balloon Diet

The Spatz3 gastric balloon will limit the stomach capacity and cause you to become full faster than before so it is vital to choose nutrient-dense foods that provide optimal nourishment. Focus on incorporating these key nutritional components in this order into your diet:

Protein-rich Foods

Start your meals with a good source of lean protein, such as grilled chicken, fish, tofu, or legumes. Protein is crucial for muscle maintenance, satiety, and overall health.

Good sources of protein include Eggs, egg whites, ground meats (85% or less fat), ground chicken or turkey breast, pork loin, lean lunch meats, crab (not imitation), shrimp, white fish, salmon, tuna, cottage cheese, other cheeses (mozzarella, provolone, Colby, swiss, feta, goat), peanut butter, soy protein (tofu), cooked black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, refried beans, and other cooked legumes.

Non-Starchy Vegetables

After protein, the next most significant portion of your plate should consist of non-starchy vegetables like leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, or zucchini. These vegetables are low in calories but rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Good sources of non-starchy vegetables include watercress, cucumber, dill pickles, mustard greens, celery, radishes, summer squash, zucchini, tomatoes, lettuce, swiss chard, arugula, bell peppers, asparagus, spinach, mushrooms, eggplant, cauliflower, cabbage, green onions, okra, collard greens, turnip greens, spaghetti squash, green beans, broccoli, onions, snow peas (snap bean), carrots, Brussel sprouts, kale, and bean sprouts.

Complex Carbohydrates

Include a modest serving of complex carbohydrates like whole grains, e.g., brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread. These provide sustained energy and fiber.

Limit the intake of complex carbs such as acorn squash, beans (besides green beans), artichokes, butternut squash, corn, parsnips, sweet potatoes, peas, potatoes, and yams (starchy carbohydrates).

Healthy Fats

Incorporate small amounts of healthy fats, such as avocado, nuts, seeds, or olive oil. These fats are essential for nutrient absorption, hormone regulation, and satiety.


Enjoy a serving of fresh fruits, preferably low-glycemic options like berries, apples, or citrus fruits. These provide natural sweetness and additional vitamins and fiber.

Suitable fruit choices include star fruit, watermelon, cranberries, strawberries, cantaloupe, grapefruit, papaya, plums, peaches, pears, blackberries, honeydew melon, raspberries, apples, oranges, pineapple, and blueberries. Limited quantities of bananas, dates, passion fruit, grapes, figs, cherries, mangos, and pomegranates.

It's important to understand that monitoring portion control is crucial throughout the entire meal. Eating smaller, frequent meals and chewing thoroughly can aid digestion and prevent discomfort. Additionally, staying hydrated by drinking water between meals is essential for overall health and to avoid confusing thirst with hunger.

Why Is Knowing What Foods To Eat With The Spatz3 Balloon Important?

Knowing what foods to eat and not to eat with the Spatz3 balloon is important for several reasons, including the following:

  • Balloon Effectiveness: The Spatz3 balloon is designed to promote weight loss by reducing the amount of food you can consume. Certain types of foods can easily pass through the balloon, making it less effective in curbing your appetite and limiting calorie intake. Knowing what foods to eat can ensure that you make the most of the balloon's restrictive properties. For instance, if you drink a continuous flow of milkshakes, even though they are liquid, they can add up to as many as 475 calories each;
  • Comfort and Safety: The Spatz3 balloon takes up space in your stomach, which can lead to discomfort if you consume foods that are difficult to digest or cause bloating and gas. By avoiding specific foods, you can minimize discomfort and promote a safe and comfortable experience with the balloon;
  • Weight Loss Goals: The Spatz3 balloon is typically used as a tool to support weight loss efforts. By following a proper diet and avoiding certain foods, you can enhance the effectiveness of the balloon and achieve your weight-loss goals more efficiently. Certain foods, such as high-calorie and high-sugar items, can hinder your progress and make it harder to lose weight;
  • Nutritional Balance: It is essential to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet while using the Spatz3 balloon. You want to avoid foods that are high in calories and provide little to no nutritional value and ensure that you are getting the necessary vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. This will be an integral element that contributes to your overall health and well-being during your weight loss journey.


Foods To Avoid While Using Spatz3 Balloon

While navigating your dietary choices with the Spatz3 gastric balloon, it is important to be mindful of certain foods that may cause discomfort or hinder your weight loss progress. Foods that you should avoid or limit your consumption of during your gastric balloon program include:

  1. Carbonated beverages: Avoid carbonated beverages as they can cause bloating and discomfort. Drinking with a straw can also cause additional gas to enter the stomach and create bloating, cramping, and discomfort;
  2. Caffeine and alcohol: Avoid or limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol to mitigate the risk of heartburn, ulcers, and empty calories;
  3. High-sugar foods and drinks: Limit or avoid sugary snacks, sodas, sweets, and processed foods that provide empty calories and may hinder weight loss efforts;
  4. Fatty and fried foods: Reduce consumption of high-fat and fried foods that can cause digestive discomfort and hinder weight loss;
  5. Starchy Foods: Foods that are starchy like pasta, white rice, potatoes, fries, and bread introduce excess calories but can also cause discomfort as they can stick to the balloon's surface;
  6. Fatty Foods: Foods that are heavy and laden with fat, such as red meats, including steaks and hamburgers, can cause indigestion and heartburn;
  7. Full-fat dairy products: Heavy cream, cream cheese, and other fat-rich cheeses can cause acid reflux and heartburn;
  8. Large portions: Avoid large meals or overeating, as it can lead to discomfort and stretching of the stomach;
  9. Snack Foods: Junk foods that offer low nutrient value but are high in calories, like potato chips, snack cakes, candy, cookies, fried foods, donuts, pastries, etc.

Tips To Mitigate Discomfort And Maximize Weight Loss Potential While On Spatz3 Balloon Diet

  • Stay well-hydrated by drinking water throughout the day but not with meals. Liquids should be consumed 30 minutes before or after meals;
  • It is recommended to include each of the major food groups in every meal for a balanced and nutritious diet;
  • Consume smaller meals throughout the day, allowing your stomach to comfortably accommodate the gastric balloon. Use a small lunch-size plate to help limit your portions and reprogram your brain;
  • Take your time to chew your food thoroughly, aiding digestion and preventing discomfort;
  • Pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues, stopping eating when you feel satisfied rather than overly full;
  • Aim for a balanced plate, including a portion of protein, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats;
  • Sip your beverages slowly;
  • Eat slowly and pause between bites. A good guideline is the 20:20:20 rule, which suggests that one should chew their food 20 times, take a 20-second break after swallowing, and spend 20 minutes eating each meal.

Knowing what foods to eat and not to eat with the Spatz3 balloon is crucial for optimizing its effectiveness and helping to mitigate discomfort and unpleasant side effects. Adopting a balanced and mindful approach to nutrition is crucial when living with a gastric balloon. Embrace nutrient-dense foods, practice portion control, and listen to your body's signals. By incorporating a variety of healthy choices and avoiding foods that may cause discomfort or hinder weight loss, you can nourish your body and support the success of your Spatz3 balloon procedure.

Where Do I Go To Learn More About The Spatz3 Diet?

If you are interested in the Spatz3 gastric balloon weight loss procedure or have questions about what to eat with the Spatz3 balloon, contact Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center today. We have a team of qualified experts who understand the complexities of obesity and the challenges that individuals encounter when trying to lose weight.

As part of your Spatz3 balloon procedure, we tailor an activity and dietary plan that meets your specific needs, ensures a safe and effective weight loss journey, and provides comprehensive support. Set up an appointment today and start your journey to better health and a more energetic you!



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