Trying to lose weight on your own can be tough. There are many reasons why trying to facilitate your own weight loss program may not be successful. It is challenging to know how to find a nutritious low-calorie diet plan that would work for you, not to mention choosing an effective and appropriate form of exercise, and let’s not forget the growling pangs that keep reminding you that you are hungry.
Sometimes a little help goes a long way and the Orbera gastric balloon weight loss system may be just what you need to help you lose weight.
What Is the Orbera Intragastric Balloon?
The Orbera intragastric balloon is a temporary system for helping obese adults lose weight. The system is appropriate for adults who have been unable to lose weight through traditional exercise and diet alone. The Orbera balloon is meant to be used along with lifestyle changes and modifications in behavior that include exercise and a moderate diet.
What Is The Orbera Gastric Balloon Procedure?
Orbera gastric balloon is done as an outpatient procedure and is usually completed in around 30 minutes. The entire procedure is done endoscopically so there are no incisions or sutures required and it does not leave any scars.
The non-surgical Orbera weight loss balloon procedure begins with the patient mildly sedated and a diagnostic endoscopy to ensure the safety of the patient.
Next, a deflated Orbera balloon is lowered down the endoscope and placed in the targeted area of the patient's stomach. Then, a syringe filled with saline solution is used to inflate the balloon until it reaches the size of a grapefruit. Finally, the syringe is disengaged from the balloon and the endoscope is removed.
What Makes The Orbera Weight Loss System Effective?
The Orbera intragastric balloon promotes weight loss through a combination of efforts.
The Orbera balloon program lasts for a duration of 12 months. During the first six months, the Orbera balloon remains in the patient’s stomach taking up space which will inhibit the patient's ability to consume too much during one meal. With the balloon occupying the majority of space in the stomach, the patient will stay satisfied longer and won’t have to deal with constant hunger pangs.
During the entirety of the program, the patient is never on their own but is working with a support team to help them modify their eating habits and improve their nutritional intake. The patient's brain is retrained to learn when the stomach is nearly full so they do not overeat.
After six months, the balloon is removed during a twenty-minute office visit in the same way it was inserted, without the necessity of surgery. Once the ORBERA intragastric balloon has been removed, the individual continues to receive ongoing coaching and support for the duration of the program.

The patient works with specialists to create an individualized exercise program and personalized diet that they will follow for the next six months and beyond. The goal is to help patients permanently modify their lifestyle choices and behavior so they reach their goal weight and maintain it.
During the duration of the program, patients are encouraged to interact and communicate with their support team so they attain optimal results.
Is Weight Loss With Orbera® Safe?
Orbera was the first gastric balloon to be developed and approved by the FDA to treat obesity in adults. For over two decades, gastric balloons have been helping patients safely lose weight. Prior to its FDA approval in the United States, Orbera had been used since 2004 in other countries to help thousands of individuals overcome obesity.
Gastric balloons are considered very safe when used according to the manufacturer's directions, placed by a trained professional, and used as part of a doctor-supervised weight loss program.
The Orbera weight loss balloon offers patients the potential to lose a significant amount of weight. The average weight loss is between 30 and 50 pounds in just six months, but patients have reported weight loss numbers of over 100 pounds.
If you are looking for a comprehensive program and an amazing support system to help you lose weight and keep it off, contact Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center today to learn more!