Carrying too much excess weight causes strain on many parts of your body, like your heart and joints. It also puts you at risk for several serious conditions such as diabetes, stroke, severe sleep apnea, and several different types of cancer. Statistics have shown that obesity takes second place in the United States for premature deaths from preventable causes.
Losing even 10% of your excess weight causes metabolic improvements that can significantly reduce these risks. Weight loss can lower bad cholesterol levels and put conditions such as high blood pressure and other chronic illnesses into remission.
Thinking about losing weight and actually being successful in your efforts can be at opposite ends of the spectrum. Maybe you have considered bariatric surgery but are hesitant to go in that direction. Did you know that you now have options to help you lose weight that do not involve surgery?
Today we are going to talk about the different classes of obesity and what should be considered when evaluating weight loss plans for the morbidly obese without surgery.
What Are The Different Levels Of Obesity?
Most medical professionals as well as other entities use a basic scale to gauge an individual’s level of health. This scale does not perfectly reflect precise body fat readings and does not consider many pertinent factors such as how much muscle the individual has or their ethnicity. This being said, however, it is an inexpensive and simple way to quickly put people into categories of "risk" for health issues.
This scale of measurement is called BMI, or body mass index, and is a quick calculation that uses how tall you are and how much you weigh to assign you a number. Then you look for your number on the BMI scale, and you see what category you fall under. You can check your BMI with our handy online tool. The basic BMI scale looks like this:
<table class="iksweb"><tbody><tr><th>Category</th><th>BMI Scale Range</th></tr><tr><td>Underweight</td><td>Less than 18.5</td></tr><tr><td>Healthy Weight</td><td>18.5 to 24.9</td></tr><tr><td>Overweight</td><td>25 to 29.9</td></tr><tr><td>Class I obesity (severe obesity)</td><td>30 to 34.9</td></tr><tr><td>Class II obesity (morbid obesity)</td><td>35 to 39.9</td></tr><tr><td>Class III obesity (super obesity)</td><td>40+</td></tr></tbody></table>
To add a point of reference, consider a woman who is five feet, three inches tall, and weighs 240 pounds. Her current BMI would be 42.51, or super obese. To reach a healthy weight and BMI, she would have to lose a minimum of 100 pounds, anything over 140 pounds is considered overweight or obese for her height.
Each level of obesity brings significantly increased risks for health problems. If you are in one of these categories, it is important that you take action as soon as possible to become healthier.
What Can Promote Weight Loss For The Morbidly Obese?
If you find yourself in the situation of being obese and overwhelmed, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to reach out to a doctor who is trained in obesity management.
You do not want to dive into an intense calorie-deficient diet or try to start a strenuous workout routine “cold turkey," as it may aggravate underlying conditions you are already suffering from.
Step 1 - Find An Obesity Trained Professional
Chances are, you have already tried to lose weight on your own and have not been successful. Partnering with a qualified, obesity-trained doctor can help ensure you lose weight and do it safely.
These doctors do not carry the biases of the general public because they understand this disease and its complexities. Find a doctor that you feel comfortable with, and you will gain a mentor who is going to guide you through a life-changing experience.
Doctors who specialize in obesity management understand that obesity is a chronic disease, and like any other disease, there can be multiple factors contributing to its existence. One of the key elements in helping you lose weight is figuring out what underlying factors are contributing to your obesity.
A great doctor will help develop a plan to promote weight loss for the morbidly obese without surgery or other invasive procedures. These specialists can offer not only practical guidance regarding a healthy diet, exercise, and lifestyle coaching but can also offer tools that can make it a bit easier for patients to succeed in reaching their weight loss goals.
Step 2 - Build a Customized Non-Surgical Weight Loss Plan
Some of the elements that might be included in a weight loss plan for a morbidly obese patient without surgery may be:
Dietary Changes
A dietician or nutritionist will help you create a plan that facilitates a safe rate of weight loss for your circumstances. Everyone knows that you need to eat fewer calories than you burn in order to lose weight, but not everyone knows what the best type of calories to consume are.
Some dieticians will not require you to count every calorie but rather avoid certain foods and transition your eating habits from unhealthy to healthier choices.
For instance, if you normally consume several sodas a day, cutting back to only one a day, at least to begin with, is going to have a significant impact on the number of calories and sugar you are ingesting. There are about 10 teaspoons of sugar in the average soda. If you normally drink four a day and cut back to just one, you are avoiding 30 teaspoons of sugar. That is almost one whole measuring cup of sugar!
If you usually eat a big bowl of cereal for breakfast, switching it for a bowl of organic natural rolled oats (oatmeal) will keep you full longer. Even if you eat whole grain cheerios, which will give you some fiber and minerals, digests very quickly, so it will not provide you with sustainable energy like a bowl of slow-cooked oatmeal will.
Making ongoing changes in your diet and making them part of your lifestyle will promote sustainable weight loss.
Physical Activity
If anyone tells you that there is a great weight loss plan that does not require any exercise, then it is a myth. You may lose a bit of weight, but you will not be able to maintain it long-term. Staying healthy and maintaining a weight that is right for your health will require you to get an adequate amount of exercise. Since everyone is different, this may look different for each person.
Getting exercise does not necessarily mean spending an hour at the gym each morning if that is not your thing. It can mean walking your dog a few times a day for 20 minutes, doing some gardening or yard work, vacuuming the house, etc. Depending on your current level of fitness, your doctor will offer professional support and guidance on a plan that will work for you.
Lifestyle and Behavioral Changes
Stating the obvious, however, we all know that for most of us, some of the extra weight we carry has to do with the choices we make. Choosing to eat unhealthy foods or too much food and choosing to live a sedentary life rather than participate in physical activities can often lead to weight gain. Unfortunately, once an individual becomes obese, it is a slippery slope trying to climb back out toward good health. Most individuals need to be thrown a lifeline.
This lifeline can be part of your doctor-supervised weight loss plan. Most weight loss patients need help implementing changes in behaviors and their lifestyle that create an environment that promotes healthy living and maintaining a healthy weight. If you are like most people, you may not even be aware of some of the things that are sabotaging your quest for better health. The professionals who provide lifestyle coaching are experts, and they will teach you what to look for and strategies for overcoming these obstacles.
The old saying "forewarned is forearmed" applies because if you are not aware of a problem, it can sneak up on you. However, if you are aware of a situation or problem in advance, you can have a plan to deal with it if and when you need to.
While under a medical weight loss professional's supervision, you may have access to that help suppress your appetite and boost your metabolism. There are a few on the market today that have been garnering a lot of attention because of the successful weight loss results patients are experiencing. Their stories are all over the news and social media outlets. The two most popular prescription medications for weight loss are:
- Semaglutide, marketed under the name Wegovy, is FDA-approved for weight loss;
- Tirzepatide, marketed under the name Mounjaro, has shown great promise and is set to be FDA-approved this summer.
Weight Loss Tools - No Surgery Involved
In the past, the only options that an obese individual had to receive help losing weight required a surgical procedure. Today, there are procedures that can be incorporated into weight loss plans for the morbidly obese without requiring surgery. These procedures carry far fewer risks than bariatric surgery, and patients recover nearly 90% faster.
These new non-surgical procedures are much needed, as historically there has been a huge gap in medical weight loss options for the majority of individuals who need the help.
Some people do not qualify for bariatric surgery because, even though they are obese, their BMI is not quite high enough for them to be approved to get help. They would either have to become more obese or develop a chronic illness before they would meet the qualifications for a procedure such as a gastric sleeve or a gastric bypass.
Other people will not qualify because their BMI is too high and surgery is too much of a risk to their health. And then there are those who do not want to have surgery because they cannot afford to take time off of work to recover, they are afraid of surgery, they do not have anyone to help with their kids while they are recovering, or for many other reasons.
Two non-surgical procedures that have generated many morbidly obese weight loss success stories without surgery are the Orbera balloon and Suture Sculpt endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG). Both of these procedures involve reducing the usable capacity of the patient’s stomach so they can only eat small amounts at mealtime.
These procedures also help them to feel full for a longer period of time. Non-surgical weight loss tools (Orbera and ESG) can be used in conjunction with prescription weight loss medications to maximize weight loss potential.
A Strong Support System
Having the support of someone else who understands what you are going through can make a significant difference in your motivation level. When you work with a weight loss doctor, you have access to an entire team of professionals that have dedicated their careers to helping patients just like you. They care about your health and well-being, and they want to see you succeed. Studies have shown that the level of support given to a weight loss patient directly correlates to their success in reaching their weight loss goals.
Your doctor can also connect you with others who are in various stages of their weight loss journey and who can provide support, encouragement, and accountability. Most doctors have physical groups and online (virtual) groups as well as social media sites that are dedicated to these purposes.
Where Can I Find Before And After Pictures of ESG Weight Loss?
We invite you to take a look at our Youtube channel filled with morbidly obese weight loss success stories—all achieved without surgery! We have seen tremendous weight losses through Suture Sculpt ESG and the Orbera balloon.
Help For Weight Loss For Obese Individuals Is Just One Click Away
You do not have to face weight loss alone; we are here to help you every step of the way! Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center has helped thousands of patients become healthier, and we can help you too. Obesity is not a matter of willpower or just eating fewer calories each day; it is a multifaceted disease that requires expert help to defeat.
Dr. Steven Batash has more than 30 years of experience treating patients with obesity, both internationally and in the U.S. His team of professionals offers the most comprehensive support program available today, and they are dedicated to helping you reach your goals.
Our offices are conveniently located in New York City and Miami, but if you are not local, it is no problem! Many of our patients are from out of town. Contact us today and set up an appointment. We would love to discuss the options available to help facilitate weight loss that do not involve surgery.