10 Reasons Not To Have Bariatric Surgery

If you have obesity issues and want to solve this problem once and for all, you probably already learned about bariatric surgery and may even be considering doing it one day. While this is perceived as the most effective weight loss solution nowadays, there are many downsides to surgery. In this article, we will talk about 10 reasons not to have bariatric surgery.


1. You Don’t Want Nutrient Deficiency

After doing surgery patients may experience a deficiency in vitamins and minerals. For example, among the patients who had gastric bypass, about 35% lacked vitamin C, 11% - vitamin A, about 18% - thiamine deficiency, and 60% - vitamin B12, folic acid deficiency was found in 47% of patients. Therefore, post-operation patients need to watch their health closely and treat their nutrient deficiency. Otherwise, it might lead to serious health disorders.

2. Weight Regain

Many bariatric surgery patients experience weight regain several years after the surgery. Six years after gastric sleeve surgery, 76% of patients got the majority of their lost weight back. This shows that bariatric surgery results are not sustainable.

3. Health Risks And Side Effects

One of the most important reasons not to have bariatric surgery is the risk of complications such as blood clots, leakage in the gut, gallstones, infected wounds, and many others. Also, after bariatric surgery, some side effects are unavoidable and they may last longer than one expects. For example, it's known that vomiting and nausea are common side effects after bariatric surgery, but nobody says that a person might develop chronic vomiting, nausea, acid reflux, etc. Depending on the type of bariatric surgery, there might be other long- and short-term complications post-surgery.

Yet, if you have certain health conditions such as eating disorders, heart issues, and others, you might not be eligible to undergo bariatric surgery. We encourage you to contact Dr. Batash to discuss your eligibility for non-surgical endoscopic weight loss procedures.

4. You Can’t Have Long Recovery

Few people can afford to have a long time off work and dedicate several months to recovery, which is obligatory after bariatric surgery.

5. You Are Psychologically Unprepared

The psychological aspect is vital because your organism and your psyche will go through significant transformation after undergoing bariatric surgery.

Once your stomach capacity is reduced by 80%, you may have a hard time adjusting to the fact that you can no longer eat as much as you could a day ago. Just because you physically can't consume that much food doesn't mean you don't want to. Your brain will continue to send you hungry signals, and you'll have to deal with them. Many patients say that they had a strong desire to eat after surgery.

It can also be psychologically difficult to adjust to a sudden major change. Bariatric surgery does not allow you to gradually adjust to eating fewer calories. It is shocking for many people.

6. You Can’t Handle Pre-Op Requirements

Bariatric surgery comes with a lot of responsibilities. It includes pre- and post-operative diets and other requirements before and after surgery. You will be required to eat only liquid foods for some time. And it takes time before you can eat normal food again. You must be committed to following the instructions before and after surgery to ensure a successful outcome. You should also prepare your family and loved ones to support you through this process.

7. Loose Skin

Losing weight rapidly might create an additional issue like having a lot of loose skin. While some patients do not consider it a big problem, for others, it might be quite concerning, requiring them to seek post-weight loss surgery to fix the issue, which involves additional funds and carries extra risks.

8. It Is Not A Quick Fix

After surgery, you must continue to work hard, stick to a healthy diet, and get regular exercise. If you see bariatric surgery as a quick fix that will give you excellent results without your efforts, then you shouldn't opt for bariatric surgery because your expectations are unrealistic.

9. You Haven’t Tried Traditional Weight Loss Methods

Bariatric surgery is a big step that should only be taken if you do not succeed in losing weight through non-invasive methods like diet and exercise programs. You should have followed a structured weight loss program for at least 6 months. If you have never really tried sticking to a healthy regimen in an organized and consistent way for at least half a year, you shouldn't consider bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery is a major step that carries many risks and should be done as a last-ditch effort if nothing else worked for you.

10. Your BMI Is Less Than 35

To be eligible for bariatric surgery, you have to have a BMI of at least 35 and a health condition(s) related to being overweight. However, the standard requirement for those who want to do bariatric surgery is a BMI of 40. If your BMI is less than these numbers, you probably should seek other ways to shed weight. Fortunately, Dr. Batash, an expert in weight management, offers non-surgical weight loss procedures for those with a BMI of 27 and higher that will help you become fit again in an effective, safe, and sustainable way.

If you are not eligible for weight loss surgery, do not get distressed. Consider undergoing non-surgical procedures such as a gastric balloon and the Suture Sculpt (endoscopic gastroplasty, ESG) offered by Dr. Batash and his team. Reach us today to learn more about these advanced weight loss options.


Are There Safer Alternatives To Bariatric Surgery?

Here are some advantages of the Spatz3 and Orbera gastric balloons and the Suture Sculpt over bariatric surgery:

  • No cuts and incisions are required; the whole procedure is done endoscopically through the mouth.
  • Gastric balloons are temporary; they stay in the stomach for about 6-8 months.
  • Suture Sculpt is reversible vs irreversible bariatric surgery.
  • Recovery takes only 2-4 days which is much shorter than recovery after surgery.
  • No hospital stay is required.

Who Is Dr. Batash And How Can He Help?

Dr. Batash is a board-certified gastroenterologist and one of the leading weight loss doctors in the country who has 30 years of experience in non-surgical weight management. He helped hundreds of patients lose weight effectively and safely without resorting to bariatric surgery. He and his team work hard to empower the patients to get rid of excessive weight and maintain the results for a lifetime. Another distinguishing feature of Dr. Batash’s method is that he dedicates a substantial portion of his time and energy to examining the patient’s health and discovering the root cause of the obesity issue. Only after a comprehensive health assessment, the doctor will design a weight loss program specifically for you.



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