Nowadays normal BMI for women can be used interchangeably with healthy weight for women. Indeed, maintaining a normal BMI for women is of utmost importance for their well-being. We will discuss it in detail later but before that, we will briefly talk about women’s obesity and why it is easier for women to develop obesity and harder to live with it.
Female Obesity
More women face the issue of obesity compared to men. According to the data from the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), obesity prevailed in 40.4% of women whereas for men this figure was 35%. Class 3 obesity marked by a BMI of 40 or more also known as morbid obesity is more prevalent among women than men. 9.9% of women were categorized as morbidly obese which is almost twice more than 5.5% of men. Generally, the rate of women's obesity has been growing linearly over the last decades.
Besides, women with extra weight are exposed to more weight stigma, body shaming, and discrimination than men. Yet, female physiology and reproductive function make it harder for women to manage their weight. Historically and nowadays in some cultures and societies, women are expected to stay at home and not be engaged in external activities including sports.
This culturally induced lifestyle combined with a myriad of other factors increased the risk of women developing obesity. If untreated obesity can have a detrimental impact on women’s fertility, and hormonal changes and lead to cardiovascular, heart, and many other diseases.
Approximating Obesity With BMI
Measuring obesity is an essential step to solving the issue of extra weight and preventing the associated risks related to it. One of the easiest tools is Body Mass Index. BMI helps women and their doctors have a quick screening to determine the individual’s weight status. It is widely used across the world to assess and approximate weight status. With the help of BMI, women can roughly estimate how much extra weight they should lose to prevent health issues related to excess fat.
Healthy BMI For Women
Usually, the normal BMI for women falls between 18.5 to 24.9. If your result is somewhere in this range, it is considered healthy weight status. However, if a woman has a BMI of more than 25 and up to 29.9, she can be considered overweight meaning she has a certain level of extra weight that can develop into obesity if proper measures are not taken. In case, your result is more than 30, you are classified as obese and might have higher risks of developing a set of health problems.
Use our BMI calculator to assess your weight status.

Obesity And Body Fat
When we talk about obesity, we mean the high level of stored fat in your body that affects your health in some detrimental ways. Therefore, when measuring obesity we want to know how much fat the body contains because it is the fat that causes diseases and negative effects on the well-being of women.
Limitations Of BMI As A Tool For Measuring Female Obesity
While BMI is a convenient tool for initial screening of the patient’s weight status, it is definitely not the most accurate measurement of obesity or overweight because it tells you only the ratio of your weight to your height and nothing about body fat. Therefore, normal BMI for women can be different for each person depending on the ratio of fat in the body as well other factors.
When talking about normal BMI for women, we need to take into consideration:
- Fat-muscles ratio
- The age of a woman
- Genetics
- Race and ethnicity
BMI Does Not Measure Body Fat
For example, there are two women of the same height and weight. If we measure their BMI, the result will be identical. But one woman does sport and has more muscles while another one has little muscle and more fat. If we judge only by BMI then both of them will have the same results but in reality, the fit woman with more muscles is considered healthier than the one with excessive fat.
BMI does not assess the health or body composition of the person, it only gives a hint.
While BMI can hint at the level of fat in your body, it is not the perfect tool and additional measures should be taken to define a more accurate picture of body makeup and the level of risk posed by excess fat to health. To determine the body composition more precisely other methods can be used such as skin calipers, a body pod, and innovative instruments developed specifically for this purpose.
At Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss, we use the state-of-the-art equipment InBody 570 to examine a patient's body composition. After generating the comprehensive report, the weight loss specialists will be able to provide an accurate picture of your weight status and the health risks associated with it. This will help in building a targeted weight loss program for your specific case.
Normal Body Fat Percentages For Women Based On Age
Also, a very important factor in determining a healthy weight for women is their age. Women generally have a higher body fat percentage than men, but with age, women tend to gain even more fat.
Based on the analysis of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, women at the age of 20 to 38 should try to stick to 21- 32% of fat percentage in the body. Women above 40 up to 59 have a healthy fat ratio in the body if it is between 23-33%. Elder ladies at the age of 60 to 79 can have 24-35% of fat in the body. So, with age, women naturally accumulate more fat. Therefore, the normal BMI for women can be slightly higher for older women.
Calculating Normal BMI For Women Can Be Tricky - Trust Professionals Only
However, you should understand that there is no single perfect weight for everyone. Each body and organisms are unique given their sex, age, and many other factors. There is no single measure of weight status that can tell to what extent your health is at risk.
If you are a woman who is concerned about her weight or health issues related to excess weight and struggling with weight loss, please consult with an experienced weight loss doctor. You will be able to learn more about your current level of health and weight status, potential risks, and how you can prevent them and improve your well-being.
Trusted Weight Loss Doctor In New York
Dr. Steven Batash has helped hundreds of women to manage their weight and improve their health both in the short and long term. With Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center you will shed dangerous extra pounds in a healthy and effective way with the help of non-surgical weight loss procedures combined with ongoing lifestyle support that delivers maximum results. Dr. Batash and his multidisciplinary team of medical professionals will thoroughly examine not only your current weight and BMI but also your body composition, health conditions and build a comprehensive weight loss plan taking into account your specific needs.