Over the past several decades, the number of overweight and obese individuals in the United States has increased significantly. In the early 1960s, the obesity rate was around 13%. Today, that rate has risen to epidemic proportions and is now over 43%.
What Is The Answer To This Increasing Obesity Epidemic?
Historically, bariatric surgery was the only option available to help an obese patient lose weight. However, qualifying for this type of surgery requires meeting certain criteria for both the surgeon and the insurance company. Interestingly enough, out of those who did go through the process and qualified for the surgery, all but 1% of them decided against it.
In recent years, newer non-invasive weight loss procedures have been developed that can provide some of the same benefits as bariatric surgery but without drastic alterations.
Today we are going to provide an overview of the best non-invasive weight loss procedures that are available today and where you can go to have one.
Why Is Losing Weight So Hard For Most People?
Many individuals have tried losing weight on their own and have not been able to succeed in reaching their weight loss goals or sustaining their weight loss. There are many factors that can inhibit an individual's weight loss attempts.
One of the biggest impediments to sustainable weight loss for many individuals is misinformation. Many people don't really understand the science behind how their body works when it comes to weight loss. When they attempt some fad weight loss technique, pill, supplement, or diet that has no chance to be successful in the long run, they end up blaming themselves, become discouraged, and give up.
Many individuals think that weight loss should be fast and easy, and you can’t really blame them when there is a wide array of advertising out there that promises just that. Did you know the weight-loss industry in the United States is worth billions of dollars? These individuals spend their money to try these "guaranteed easy weight loss" diets, programs, pills, supplements, etc., but all they end up losing is their money. Sustainable weight loss is not something that can be done fast and easily; it requires a lifelong commitment to making healthy choices.
Losing Weight vs Maintaining A Healthy Weight
If you ask most overweight or obese individuals if they have ever had a time in their life when they actually did lose weight, most will answer in the affirmative. Most people have lost weight at one time or another, but the issue is that they were not able to keep the weight off. Even people who have undergone bariatric surgery gain some of their lost weight back. In fact, statistics show that about half of them gain at least 30% of their weight back, and there are those who regain all of it.
The main reason they have issues maintaining their weight loss is that they did not modify their lifestyles enough to maintain their weight loss. They may have relied too much on the surgery to do their work for them. Weight loss surgery such as the bariatric gastric sleeve is meant to be used as a tool to help patients with some of the hardest parts of losing weight, such as:
- Portion control;
- Feeling satisfied longer;
- Appetite Suppression.
The rest of the work that promotes weight loss is up to them. Reaching their goal weight and maintaining it will require them to permanently alter their lifestyle to ensure they do the following:
- Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet;
- Avoid processed food, junk food, and sugar;
- Control their food portions;
- Practice mindful eating;
- Get enough exercise;
- A mixture of cardio, core, and weight training;
- Get enough sleep;
- Stay hydrated.
Most individuals who are unable to maintain their weight loss have fallen short on one or more of these lifestyle changes. Choosing not to exercise or going back to our previous unhealthy habits when we become stressed can add up to significant weight gain over time.
Those who have had bariatric surgery may rely on their smaller stomach to determine their portion sizes, but this can result in their stomach becoming stretched out. If their stomach becomes stretched out, it will take more food to make them satisfied, so they will eat more. If this continues, eventually their stomach may double in size and lead to excess weight. A better approach would be to measure out their portions in advance and keep them consistent so their stomach remains in their surgically reduced state.
Non-Invasive Weight Loss Surgery Revision
If you have had previous bariatric surgery and have experienced weight gain, it is possible that your stomach has stretched out or that the opening between your stomach and your small intestine has become wider. This opening is deliberately made smaller during bariatric surgery to help your stomach empty more slowly and keep you feeling full and satisfied longer.
Suture ReSculpt, a non-invasive weight loss surgery revision can repair both a stretched-out stomach and a widening stoma connection. Suture resculpt is an outpatient procedure that takes about 30 to 45 minutes to perform and can get your weight loss back on track.
During this non-invasive weight loss surgery repair, there are no incisions made, and the entire procedure is completed from inside the patient's body using an endoscope. The procedure involves using a special suturing device that is placed down the patient's throat through the endoscope. The specialist places sutures in strategic locations to return the patient's stomach to the reduced size it had just after its initial bariatric surgery. The stoma connection can also be made smaller with a few sutures if needed.
Endoscopy + Bariatrics = Non-Invasive Weight Loss Treatments
The fields of endoscopy and bariatrics have come together and formed what has now become known as endobariatrics. Endobariatric procedures are non-invasive weight loss options that can help obese patients lose weight without undergoing surgery.
These procedures require a doctor who is a specialist in endoscopic procedures, which is generally a gastroenterologist, but some bariatric surgeons are also skilled in endoscopy.
Endoscopic procedures that are done for weight loss use a special device called an endoscope, which looks a bit like a skinny flexible hose but is a bit fancier as it also has a tiny camera attached. This camera helps the doctor navigate precisely through the procedure by providing a real-time video stream projected on a nearby screen. The endoscope is also special because it is hollow, so other necessary tools can be lowered down to the procedure area.
The patient is under sedation during these non-invasive weight loss treatments, so they do not feel any pain. There are no abdominal incisions made, so there is no need for a hospital stay. Patients are discharged to go home to begin their recovery after only a short observation period.
What Are The Best Non-Invasive Weight Loss Procedures?
The best non-invasive weight loss procedures available today include the Orbera balloon and the Suture Sculpt endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty.
Choosing the one that is right for you will be dependent on your current weight, your overall picture of health, any medical conditions you may have, and your weight loss goals.
An Overview Of The Non-Invasive Orbera Balloon Procedure

If you are looking for a temporary solution to help you jumpstart your weight loss journey and feel confident that you can take it from there, the 12-month Orbera program may work best for you.
- The patient is put under mild sedation;
- The endoscope is lowered down the patient's throat;
- A deflated Orbera balloon is strategically placed in the correct location of the patient's stomach;
- The balloon is filled with saline solution until it takes up about 2/3 of the space inside the patient's stomach. It remains in the stomach for six months;
- The endoscope is removed from the patient's throat;
- The patient remains for observation and is then discharged into the care of a friend or family member to go home. Many patients feel nauseated or throw up for a few days after the placement of an intragastric balloon;
- The balloon takes up a significant amount of space and only allows the patient to eat very small portions. The balloon also provides the feeling of "fullness," so it helps the patient not feel hungry all the time;
- A special diet must be followed to allow the stomach to become accustomed to the weight loss balloon, which gets the patient's weight loss off to a good start;
- The Orbera balloon is removed after six months, but the accompanying program lasts for an entire year. From the start of the program, patients are provided with an extensive support system that is intended to help educate them, find and redirect unhealthy behavior patterns, instill the importance of nutrition and lifestyle choices, provide guidance on exercise, and provide comprehensive dietary support;
- The balloon helps make the patient's journey a bit easier, and the work they put into their program pays off in bigger ways. The support system that is provided helps patients learn about and incorporate lifestyle habits into their daily routine that will help them maintain their weight loss long-term. Feel free to see for yourself. Check out what some of our patients have accomplished with these Orbera balloon before and after pictures.
Non-Invasive Weight Loss vs Surgery
The most widely performed bariatric surgery today is the vertical sleeve gastrectomy or gastric sleeve. This surgery involves making 4 or 5 small incisions in the patient's abdomen and using them to access the patient's stomach. Then the surgeon cuts away and removes about 75 percent of the patient's stomach tissue, reshapes the part that is left into a small tubular pouch, and staples the ends together. This surgery takes between 4 and 6 weeks to recover from and requires a hospital stay of at least one night. Patients who undergo gastric sleeve surgery usually lose about 60%–65% of their excess weight.
Today, there is a much better procedure that provides non-invasive weight loss without surgery, abdominal incisions, or removing any stomach parts.
An Overview Of Suture Sculpt ESG

Suture Sculpt endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG) offers the very same weight loss potential as gastric sleeve surgery but with significantly fewer risks.
- The patient is put under general anesthesia;
- The endoscope is lowered down the throat and into the patient's stomach;
- The gastroenterologist forms the stomach into a smaller shape, resembling a banana;
- Using a special suturing tool (Overstitch), the doctor places between seven and twelve full-thickness sutures in different areas of the stomach to hold it in the new, smaller shape;
- The endoscope is removed, and the patient is taken to the recovery room;
- The patient is observed for a few hours and then discharged into the care of a companion who can drive them home;
- Most patients are back to their normal daily routine after about three days, although they need to adhere to a special diet and work their way up to solid foods;
- There are no restrictions after ESG, and patients can engage in almost any type of exercise or activity that they feel comfortable doing;
- Many patients have lost tremendous amounts of weight after undergoing this amazing, non-invasive weight loss procedure. We invite you to view some of the ESG before and after success stories on our YouTube channel.
Where Can I Find A Qualified Doctor For Non-Invasive Weight Loss?
If you want to lose weight and keep it off for good, contact Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center today! Our team of experts has a proven track record of helping people just like you break out of their yo-yo weight loss cycle.
The combination of a non-invasive weight loss treatment and our OnTrack Lifestyle coaching will set you up for a more fulfilled and healthier life. Many of our patients have seen their weight-related chronic health issues, such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, eliminated or greatly improved after losing weight through one of our programs.
Doctor Steven Batash would love to talk with you about your weight loss goals and how he and his amazing team can get you on track to achieve them. Whether you are local or out of state, we have a program that will suit your needs. Set up your life-changing appointment today!