If you have a significant amount of weight to lose and are looking for ways to lose it quickly be sure to do it safely. If you do an internet search for “How to lose 80 pounds in 6 months” you will get all types of results and most of them will not be healthy, proven duplicatable, effective, or sustainable.
If you have a goal to lose 80 pounds in six months, you need to have a plan that will help you meet that goal. Today we are going to look at some important things to consider when you are setting goals and embarking on an aggressive weight loss plan.
Set Realistic Weight Loss Goals
When you decide that you are going to lose weight, it is important that you set goals for yourself that are both realistic and attainable. If you set unreachable goals, you will either make yourself sick or you will become discouraged and frustrated and will more than likely end up quitting.
You can begin by asking yourself “Can I lose 80 pounds in 6 months?” Is this an attainable goal? The answer to this question will depend on factors such as:
How much excess weight are you carrying?
Excess body weight Is the difference between how much you currently weigh and what a healthy weight is for your frame and gender. You can quickly get an idea of this range using this .
Individuals who are carrying more excess weight burn calories faster and can lose more weight in a shorter amount of time than an individual who is carrying a lesser amount of excess weight. For instance, someone who weighs 250 pounds but should weigh 150 pounds, is carrying 100 pounds of excess weight.
This person requires more calories per day to maintain this weight than someone who weighs 150 pounds. The heavier person can create a larger calorie deficit each day easier than the lighter person and therefore can lose more weight initially and lose it faster.
Do you have any obstacles that will hinder your weight loss?
Part of setting realistic goals is to be honest with yourself. If you have tried to lose weight before and were unsuccessful, do you know the reasons your weight loss efforts failed? Some factors can inhibit weight loss despite how well you adhere to your plan. It is important to know if any of these underlying issues are going to get in the way of your goals.
7 Questions To Self-Assess Your Weight Loss Potential
To set realistic goals you also need to fully understand what you may be up against during your weight loss journey. Here are some questions that may help you consider factors you may not have thought about.
1. Are You Dedicated To Your Goals?
If you are not committed to making lifestyle choices and making them lifelong habits, it will play a significant role in your weight loss success. Some areas that are critical to achieving success during your weight loss journey will be:
- A serious commitment to do what it takes and persevere;
- Focus on eating healthy food and avoiding unhealthy choices;
- Make sure to include daily physical activity;
- Assemble a support system and have stress management strategies in place.
2. Is Genetics Inhibiting Your Weight Loss?
Factors that are built into your DNA are beyond your control and can play a role in the likelihood of you becoming overweight or obese. Our environment also can factor into the equation and often originates from our childhood.
3. Is Your Body Working Against You?
The built-in survival mechanism that is present in our bodies can often circumvent our weight loss efforts. When we cut down on our caloric intake, our bodies slow our metabolism down to conserve our stored calories in case we need them later. This is not helpful to individuals who are attempting to lose weight.
4. Do You Have Issues With Insulin Resistance?
Individuals who experience issues with insulin regulation can begin to find their blood sugar levels elevated, they may gain weight or see signs of the onset of diabetes. It is harder for people with insulin resistance issues to lose weight because their bodies turn the extra sugar into stored fat.
5. Are You Overeating To Satisfy An Addiction Or Emotional Issue?
Often, physiological and metabolic factors can contribute to weight gain and patients are not even aware that this is a factor.
In some cases, patients have underlying emotional issues that cause them to eat for comfort even when they are not hungry.
Food addictions are quite common and are exacerbated by sugar and high-fat food choices. These unhealthy food choices send signals to our brains that include gratification, comfort, or pleasure and many food manufacturers deliberately include additives that are intended to cause this reaction.
Understanding the driving force behind why you are eating can help you face these obstacles and eliminate them so your weight loss efforts can be effective. Sometimes this means obtaining professional help or simply avoiding addictive unhealthy food choices.
6. How Are Your Stress Management Skills?
When we are under stress, our body dumps a hormone called cortisol into our system. Cortisol has a significant impact on our metabolism and promotes the storage of fat and increases our appetite. It is normal to experience high cortisol levels in short-term circumstances, but chronic stress and increased levels of this hormone generally cause individuals to overeat while limiting fat metabolization which results in weight gain.
7. Could Your Medications Be Inhibiting Your Weight Loss Efforts?
Certain medications can cause patients to gain weight by making them feel hungry or by slowing down their metabolism. If you are on medications such as antidepressants or steroids, one common side effect is that they can promote weight gain. Consult with your doctor about your weight loss goals and find out what help they can offer concerning your medications.
Get Professional Help from Bariatric Experts
If you have tried to lose weight on your own before and have been unsuccessful, you will probably experience the same thing unless you use different strategies. Getting help from a doctor who is trained in obesity management can make a significant difference. They will understand all the underlying factors that could be hindering your weight loss attempts and will have solutions to address many of them.
They also have several tools they can use to help promote weight loss that does not require surgery. They can prescribe medications that suppress your appetite and work with your metabolism to facilitate weight loss and recommend and perform a non-surgical weight loss procedure. They can introduce you to a number of professionals, either within their practice or outside of it, that can help you with nutritional counseling, physical activity guidance, and emotional support.
A well-balanced weight loss program consists of a combination of healthy eating habits, an adequate amount of physical activity, getting enough sleep, reducing stress, medical intervention, ongoing support, and more. If you are serious about wanting to lose 80 pounds in one month, seek help from a qualified, board-certified doctor that specializes in obesity treatment.
Assemble A Support System
Having an extensive support system when trying to lose a significant amount of weight is critical to your success. Losing weight is hard, and doing it by yourself makes it even harder. A network of friends, family members, and professionals to provide guidance, support and encouragement will help you reach your goals.
When you partner with a weight loss center, like Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center, you receive unprecedented support from a team of professionals. They will help you with everything from nutritional counseling, menu ideas, creative ideas to get you moving every day, encouragement when you are feeling discouraged, etc.
Assembling your own internal support system will help you tremendously as well. When you are attempting to lose weight it is a great help to have people around you who understand your goals and want to help you succeed.
Many weight loss patients find it surprising that their weight loss efforts affect their social life. If you have a habit of meeting a bunch of friends on Friday nights for beer and wings, trying to lose weight and keep that in your social schedule may prove challenging.
There are many online resources and support groups that you can join virtually and in person that will provide opportunities for you to meet and spend time with like-minded people. For instance, you may find a group of individuals who are on their own weight loss journey and meet up to walk or socialize but this time does not revolve around food.
Take Advantage Of Non-Surgical Weight Loss Tools
With the advancements in the field of endobariatrics, there are now non-surgical alternatives to bariatric surgery that are both effective and safe. Endoscopic procedures are performed through a flexible hollow tube-like instrument that is outfitted with a tiny camera called an endoscope. The endoscope is gently placed down a patient’s throat and other tiny tools can also access the procedure area. There are no incisions, no hospital stays involved, and very short recovery times.
We have already talked about some of the underlying reasons that cause weight loss efforts to fail, these non-surgical weight-loss procedures are often the solution to overcoming these underlying issues. With the help of a non-surgical weight loss procedure, you have the potential to meet your weight loss goals because your efforts will count for more.
The Orbera Intragastric Balloon
In a short 20 to 30-minute procedure, a special medical weight loss device is placed into a patient's stomach to help them reach their weight loss goals.
The Orbera balloon is a soft silicone balloon-like device that is strategically positioned while it is deflated into the stomach and then inflated with saline solution until it takes up about two-thirds of the stomach's capacity. It gives the patient some extra help they need by limiting the amount of food they can eat at one time and helping them to feel full longer.
An Orbera® balloon is a tool that is used temporarily for 6 months and then it is removed. The full length of the program is 12 months and during that time, a support team works with the patient and they learn how to control their food portions and the importance of making healthy lifestyle choices that includes a healthy diet and daily exercise.
Patient support continues for another six months after the removal of the balloon to reinforce and solidify new healthier habits. Most patients experience a 2 to 3-day recovery.
Suture Sculpt Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG)
Suture Sculpt ESG is another procedure that does not require any incisions because it is performed through an endoscope. ESG offers results that are similar to gastric sleeve surgery but unlike gastric sleeve surgery, no portion of the patient's stomach is removed.
During the Suture Sculpt ESG procedure, the patient’s stomach is reshaped and held in this new shape with the use of a special suturing device that is placed down the patient’s throat through the endoscope. The patient’s stomach is shaped into a smaller sleeve-like pouch that reduces its size to about 1/4 of its original size.
Suture Sculpt ESG helps the patient lose weight by restricting the amount they can eat in one sitting and helping them feel full for a longer time between meals.
Suture Sculpt ESG is not a surgical procedure so patients can return home the same day without worrying about incisions to take care of, or any visible scarring. ESG can be reversed if necessary and no portion of the patient’s stomach is permanently removed.
This procedure can be performed for patients who would not normally qualify for surgery either due to a lower BMI or a very high BMI and in poor health. It is often used to revise previous weight loss surgeries or as an interim procedure to help a patient lose some initial weight before undergoing bariatric surgery.
How Much Weight Can I Lose In 6 Months?
Wondering how much weight can you lose in 6 months? Well, the result you can get in half a year may vary significantly depending on many factors. For example, if you just decide to stick to some harsh diet you learned about from the internet, you might be doing well and persevering for up to several weeks and then give up. In this scenario, you will not be able to achieve any good weight loss outcome due to the unsustainability and ineffective nature of too-restrictive diets.
However, if you seek professional help from experienced weight loss doctors such as Dr. Batash, you will be taking an integrated weight loss program that includes a healthy diet and exercise program that works well specifically for your organism as well as a non-surgical weight loss procedure that will accelerate your slimming efforts. In 6 months many of our patients lose about 30-80 pounds. Those who are highly motivated and make more efforts following the instructions of the doctor are able to get rid of even more weight in the same 6 months.
Can Someone Lose 80 Pounds In Six Months?
The answer to the question “Is it possible to lose 80 pounds in 6 months?” is YES! It is a very aggressive goal but if an individual has a great deal of weight to lose, It can be done.
At Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center some of our patients have done it through Suture Sculpt ESG! Here are some of our REAL patients and their REAL results in losing a significant amount of weight in only six months.
This patient lost 50 pounds in only 2 months after undergoing Suture Sculpt ESG. She is on track to lose 80 pounds in 6 months!
This patient lost an amazing 72 pounds after her Orbera Balloon procedure! Wow!
This man lost over 80 pounds in only 5 months with Suture Sculpt ESG!
Another amazing weight loss of 30 pounds in only 6 weeks!!
Another weight loss success! Down 68 pounds in only 4 months! Fast on the way to making a goal of 80 pounds in 6 months!
Are you ready to lose a significant amount of weight? We are ready to help you do it! Contact Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center today and set up a consultation to find out how we can support you in reaching your weight loss goals.
Having the support of professionals that are expertly trained to address the challenges of weight loss (including any underlying factors that may be preventing your progress) can be the difference between disappointment and achieving your goals.
Contact us to learn more about our comprehensive weight loss programs and how we can help you lose weight and keep it off.