Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Timeline

Traditional means of losing weight do not work for everyone. In fact, for an individual who has struggled with obesity for an extended period of time, it is almost impossible. They need some type of medical intervention if they are to be successful in reducing their BMI and improving their health.

Some people choose to undergo bariatric surgery to help them get their weight under control, and the technique they most often choose is the gastric sleeve. If you are considering undergoing surgery, you may be wondering about the gastric sleeve weight loss timeline and how fast you can lower your BMI.

Today, we are going to provide an overview of this surgical procedure and a timeline of the average gastric sleeve results after 3 months, 6 months, and 12-18 months.


What Is Excess Weight?

Excess weight is the difference between what you currently weigh and your goal weight, which is different than a percentage of your total body weight. Your ideal or goal weight is calculated based on how tall you are and your gender, so these will vary by patient.

Most patients experience rapid weight loss during the first three months after their surgery. Their gastric sleeve results after 1 month can reflect losses of up to 5 pounds per week, largely due to the liquid diet required for their stomach to heal and their recovery from the surgery.

Average Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Results

After gastric sleeve surgery, individuals lose weight in somewhat predictable phases, with the most significant weight loss taking place during the first three months (about 35% of their excess weight). Most patients have lost an average of 55% of their excess weight by the time they reach the 6-month mark, but then their weight loss usually slows down. Between 12 and 18 months, many have reduced their excess weight by around 70%, and those who stick with their diet and exercise program usually have reached or are close to their goal weight. Maintaining their ideal weight will require them to continue making healthy lifestyle choices.

The following chart will give you an idea of the gastric sleeve weight loss timeline for a specific person, so the potential weight loss averages will vary by individual. For purposes of this chart, our sample patient is a female and is 5’ 8”, and the average healthy weight (goal weight) for this individual is 140 pounds. (This goal weight represents the average weight that falls between 126 and 154, which is the “healthy weight range” for a female who is five feet eight inches tall.) To find how much excess weight our sample patient is carrying, we use the beginning weight and subtract 140 (the goal weight). If our sample patient weighs 200 pounds, her BMI is currently 30.4 (obese) and she is carrying 60 pounds of excess weight.

<table class="iksweb"><caption>Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Timeline Chart (Excess Weight) Female 5’ 8”</caption><tbody><tr><th rowspan="2">Beginning Weight</th><th colspan="3">Approximate Weight Achieved</th></tr><tr><td>After 3 Months</td><td>After 6 Months</td><td>After 12 to 18 Months</td></tr><tr><td>200</td><td>179</td><td>167</td><td>158</td></tr><tr><td>225</td><td>195</td><td>178</td><td>166</td></tr><tr><td>250</td><td>212</td><td>190</td><td>173</td></tr><tr><td>275</td><td>228</td><td>201</td><td>181</td></tr><tr><td>300</td><td>244</td><td>212</td><td>188</td></tr><tr><td>325</td><td>260</td><td>223</td><td>196</td></tr><tr><td>350</td><td>277</td><td>235</td><td>203</td></tr><tr><td>375</td><td>293</td><td>246</td><td>211</td></tr><tr><td>400</td><td>309</td><td>257</td><td>218</td></tr></tbody></table>


Maintaining Your Weight Loss

Once you lose a substantial amount of weight, between 6 and 12 months after gastric sleeve, it is critical that you avoid slipping back into your old unhealthy habits. A review done by Ohio State University reported that about 76% of the individuals who lost weight after their gastric sleeve surgery had experienced significant weight gain when followed up with after 6 years.

Reducing the size of your stomach through gastric sleeve surgery can help you reach your weight loss goals, but it is not enough to help you maintain a healthy weight. It will be up to you to control your food portions, choose healthy foods that are low in calories and high in nutrition, make getting enough exercise a priority in your day, and practice other lifestyle habits that promote maintaining a healthy weight.

Is There An Alternative To Gastric Sleeve For Reducing Your Stomach Size?

Yes, unlike a decade ago when bariatric surgery was the only medical intervention available to combat obesity, today there is a non-surgical procedure that can reduce the size of an individual's stomach.

Suture Sculpt ESG reduces the size of your stomach using a special tool called an endoscope that is lowered down your throat to gain access to your stomach. Sutures are placed in targeted locations in the stomach to reduce the amount of food it can hold, which limits your portion sizes. The final stomach size is very similar to gastric sleeve surgery but without the incisions, risks, or recovery time. In fact, unlike after surgery, there are no activity restrictions after Suture Sculpt ESG, so you can start incorporating more physical activity into your routine as soon as you would like.

Most individuals are deterred from undergoing bariatric surgery for one reason or another, and research has shown that only 1% of those who qualify end up having the surgery. Suture Sculpt ESG is the perfect alternative because the procedure only takes about an hour, you can go home the same day, and it reduces the size of the stomach so you eat less, stay full longer, and lose weight.

Working With A Professional Can Help Ensure You Reach And Maintain Your Goals For A Healthy Weight

As stated earlier in this article, the majority of the work to reach and maintain your goal weight is up to you and will depend upon consistently making healthy lifestyle choices. Changing your behavior so you avoid the previous behaviors that led to obesity and learning healthy habits that will keep your weight under control will need to become your new “normal.” This is more challenging than it may sound, but working with a professional like Dr. Batash at Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center in NYC can help you overcome the obstacles that you may encounter along the way.

Why undergo surgery to reduce your stomach size when it can be done through Suture Sculpt ESG without surgery? Dr. Batash has expertise in obesity medicine and is specially trained in endoscopic weight loss procedures. He understands the intricacies of the disease and has years of experience in deciphering underlying issues that can inhibit weight loss, which gives those working with him a significant advantage in reaching their ideal weight. He and his team will provide you with the highest level of support and monitor and adjust your program if needed to help you stay on track.

We would love to speak with you about non-surgical options for medical intervention and how we can help you improve your health and reach your weight loss goals. Set up a consultation today and learn about your options for successful and sustainable weight loss.



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