Gastric bypass surgery is currently the second most often performed bariatric weight loss operation in the U.S., with a little more than 56,500 done each year. This surgery is capable of helping people lose a great deal of weight in a relatively short time frame, which can be beneficial to their health, but it is not without its drawbacks.
Today, we are going to talk about some of the potential risks and complications that you may encounter if you choose to undergo Roux-en-Y surgery to help you lose weight. When you are choosing to undergo any type of procedure or surgery, you should not do it lightly. You should understand exactly what the surgery entails and all the different gastric bypass side effects you may be signing up for, so you can make an educated decision when choosing what is best for you.
What Is Gastric Bypass Surgery All About?
During this operation, the surgeon is tasked with reducing the size of the stomach and rerouting the digestive system. This is done to limit the patient's food intake and to prevent all the food that is consumed from going through the normal process of digestion.
The path from the stomach to the intestine is made significantly shorter, which does not allow enough time for the body to absorb all the nutrients or calories. Together, these two different techniques (restrictive and malabsorptive) ensure the individual can only eat very small portions, and their body cannot take in all the calories, so they lose weight.
Short-Term And Prolonged Side Effects Of Gastric Bypass
Excessive Bleeding
Losing too much blood during or after surgery.
Similar to any surgical procedure, gastric bypass involves abdominal incisions, which creates the opportunity for infection both within the incisions themselves and internally in the abdomen.
Surgical patients are at increased risk of getting blood clots, which can travel to the lungs or heart and cause death. The surgeon will provide post-op instructions to the patient to minimize their risk.
Digestive Fluid Leaks
Roux-en-Y surgery involves splicing and moving some of the small intestine and reconnecting it to the newly made smaller stomach. Sometimes there are issues, and digestive fluids can leak into the abdominal cavity and cause infection or other serious complications.
Obstructions Or Anastomotic Strictures
Sometimes rerouting the path of digestion can create blockages or strictures that will block the intestines or the bowel.
Punctures In The Stomach Or Intestines
Another Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery risk includes the stomach or intestine becoming accidentally perforated, requiring emergency intervention to repair the damage.
A common post-gastric bypass side effect caused by the weakening of the incisional areas can occur several years after the initial Roux-en-Y procedure and may not be visible externally. Almost half of the gastric bypass patients examined during a showed the presence of a hernia, but only around 7% of these hernias could be visualized through a physical examination alone.
Loss or Thinning Of Hair
Rapid weight loss often causes hair follicles to “get stuck” in a cycle of hair shedding that can last up to six months. It is usually temporary and will resolve on its own, provided the patient takes vitamin supplements and consumes an adequate amount of protein.
Prolonged Complications
Dumping Syndrome
One of the most prevalent Roux-en-Y long-term side effects is for certain foods to travel super fast through the shorter digestive route and empty into the intestine before digestion. This can cause numerous uncomfortable symptoms, including sweating, rapid heart rate, nausea, cramping, diarrhea, and more. It can take place anywhere, from directly after eating to up to three hours later.
Inadequate Intake Of Vital Nutrients
One of the most serious side effects of gastric bypass is the body not receiving the vitamins and minerals it needs to function properly. Because the path used for the digestive process is shortened during the surgery, individuals do not get all the benefits from the foods they consume. This can lead to malnutrition if daily supplements are not taken and can result in serious life-threatening conditions.
Formation Of Gallstones
Losing weight super fast, such as after a gastric bypass, can cause gallstones to form. These painful rock-like deposits consist of hardened bile and can be as small as a grain of rice or as large and resemble golf balls. They may cause zero symptoms or may get stuck in a duct, creating serious and highly painful symptoms that may require surgery.
Some people develop ulcers after their bypass, which can develop any time between three and twelve months after their surgery. They often require some medical intervention to treat them.
Loose, Sagging Skin
After a large loss of weight, skin that has been excessively stretched does not bounce back to hug the person's new, smaller frame. This is often very discouraging to those who undergo Roux-en-Y surgery because they are excited about their new bodies and do not envision themselves with this loose-hanging skin. This is one of the most common gastric bypass side effects, and it is advisable to choose a bariatric surgeon and cosmetic surgeon who will work together to help achieve your desired result.
A Less-Risky Alternative For Significant Weight Loss
Today, there is a non-surgical procedure that people have used to lose hundreds of pounds. There are no incisions, and you don’t spend any time in the hospital but recover swiftly at home. There are also no restrictions on activities you can participate in after the procedure, and the risk profile is less than 2%.
Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center offers Suture Sculpt endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty to patients to help them shed excess pounds without having to undergo surgery. This procedure eliminates any potential surgical risks or gastric bypass side effects and is done as an outpatient. Many individuals have lost tremendous amounts of weight with Suture Sculpt ESG and are living a healthier life. Their health has improved, and many no longer require daily medications to control hypertension or type 2 diabetes.

While gastric bypass surgery may be right for some individuals, set up a consultation with Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center before you sign up for a digestive system detour that requires a knife. If you qualify for Suture Sculpt ESG, you can start losing weight and get back to your regular routine quickly avoiding all of the unpleasant Roux-en-Y long-term side effects. Get in touch with us today; we would love to help you live your best life.