Around 90% of the American population supplements their diet with a daily multivitamin, and many also take supplemental vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, calcium, zinc, iron, and magnesium.
Vitamins and supplements are best taken with food so they can be better absorbed and utilized by the body. Take care to read labels and check for any ingredients that may not be necessary (fillers) to ensure you are using high-quality products.
It is also important to have a good understanding of the vitamins and supplements you are taking and to be aware of any interactions that might be possible.
In today’s post, we are going to talk a bit about collagen supplements, the benefits of taking them, if you can take collagen with other vitamins, and the different forms you can find collagen in.
Is Collagen a Vitamin?
Collagen is not a vitamin; it is the most prevalent protein found in the human body and is found in our muscles, tendons, bones, and our skin. Collagen forms the framework and structure of the connective tissues that hold all of our cells together and is the key contributor to the skin's elasticity and strength.
Where Does Collagen Come From?
Our bodies produce collagen by combining amino acids (glycine and proline), which can be found in many high-protein food sources (endogenous collagen). Collagen is classified into types depending on its function.
- Type I is beneficial to the formation and maintenance of skin, bones, ligaments, and tendons;
- Type II helps the body manufacture cartilage;
- Type III helps provide structure to hollow organs, blood vessels, the bowel, the uterus, and muscles.
There are twenty-eight different types of collagen present in the body, with Type 1 collagen being the most abundant and the prototype for most exogenous forms of collagen.
One of the best-known benefits of collagen is that it keeps the signs of natural aging off our faces. As we age, our collagen and elastin production slows down, resulting in wrinkles and sagging skin.
Collagen supplements can help prevent the signs of aging and have been shown to improve gut health, hair health, nail health, and skin suppleness.
Where Does Exogenous Collagen Come From?
Collagen supplements are synthetic and made from an outside source - exogenous collagen. Most manufactured collagen supplements are derived from animal sources, such as:
- Cows (type 1 and type III collagen);
- Marine-based (fish, jellyfish, sponges, sea urchins, octopi) (type 1 collagen);
- Poultry (type II collagen);
- Pig (type 1 and type III collagen);
- Sheep (type I and type III collagen);
- Plant-based (plants used are sustainable crops that mimic the amino acid composition of collagen. Although plants don't natively contain collagen, but linking their protein fibers together creates a naturally occurring vegan collagen that serves as a functional substitute).
Many individuals use exogenous collagen as part of their daily routine to improve the look and texture of their skin and for other cosmetic and health purposes. It is also used by doctors and others in the medical field to help promote wound healing.
Collagen is important for joint health and bone density. Supplemental collagen may help control osteoarthritis symptoms by boosting the level of collagen present in the body.
A research study was done in 2018 with 120 patients to demonstrate the effects of oral collagen supplements on skin texture and quality and joint health. One-half of the subjects took the collagen supplement, and the other half received a placebo.
During the launch of the study, an analysis of the patient’s skin was performed as a point of reference. After 90 days, the patients receiving the collagen supplements had a marked improvement in the elasticity of their skin, which was confirmed by comparing the results to the historical skin architecture analysis. Patients also remarked that their skin felt more hydrated and showed increased elasticity.
Also, these patients experienced a 43% reduction in joint pain and a 39% increase in joint mobility.
The results of this study concluded that collagen supplementation would be an effective solution to slow down some of the signs and symptoms of aging.
Can You Take Multivitamins with Collagen?
Now that we have done an overview of collagen, where it comes from, and its function, we will answer the question: can you take collagen with other vitamins? Yes, collagen is not a vitamin; it is a protein, and outside sources of protein come from food.
Taking collagen and multivitamins together can be beneficial and help our bodies absorb a higher percentage.
To Maximize the Benefits of Your Multivitamins and Collagen Supplements:
1. Take them at the same time
Take your multivitamin, supplements, and collagen protein together for optimal benefits. This way, you can keep your supplement routine simple and your body can better absorb all of the nutrients.
2. Use only high-quality supplements
When choosing a multivitamin or collagen supplement, make sure to purchase them from a reputable source that contains all the nutrients and minerals that your body needs.
Choose a high-quality collagen supplement like Pro Gummies™ Collagen Vitamins that contains a combination of beneficial ingredients
3. Know what type of collagen you need
Determine the type of collagen you would like to use based on the issue you are addressing. Types of collagen (collagen peptides, marine collagen, etc.) can differ greatly, and not all can be easily absorbed by the body.
Ensure that you take the correct dose to maximize the benefits of the supplement.
Keep in mind that the price of a collagen supplement is not an accurate indicator of the quality of the product. Do some research, read reviews, and get recommendations to find the one that will best suit your needs and is within your budget.
4. Personalize your supplement routine
Everyone’s body is unique, and they have different supplement needs. Personalizing your supplement routine can ensure that your body is getting the vital nutrients it needs to function properly.
If you are unsure which supplements will best benefit you, speak to a nutritionist or your doctor, and they can help you put together the combination that is right for you.
Are Collagen Supplements Beneficial To Men?
Collagen supplements can benefit almost anyone, regardless of gender or age. They are normally very well tolerated and provide a number of health benefits.
Men may require a higher dose of a collagen supplement than women because they are generally heavier and contain more muscle mass and connective tissues. A nutritionist or other health professional can help determine the proper dose.
Add Collagen To Your Daily Routine For Added Health Benefits
If you have never taken supplemental collagen before, it is never too late to start. Supplemental collagen can help improve your overall health, skin elasticity, and more.
It is always a good idea to take steps to improve the health of our bodies. Taking collagen and multivitamins together as part of a daily routine will help with absorption and make your supplement routine quick and easy.
If you would like to learn more about high-quality collagen supplements or multivitamins, contact Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center today. We care about your health and are here to answer any questions and help you become healthier!