What Does A BMI of 30 mean?

Body mass index (BMI) is a number that is used to gauge whether a person’s weight falls within a healthy range or can classify them as underweight, overweight, or obese. This common tool uses a simple calculation that consists of an individual's height and weight measurements and the resulting number is their BMI.

Today we are going to talk about a BMI of 30 and what exactly that means. We will look at the different BMI categories and answer the question, “Is a BMI of 30 bad?”


What Are The BMI Ranges?

A BMI range is the category an individual falls into when they use a BMI calculator to determine the numerical value that is assigned to them depending on their height and weight. For instance, if someone is 5 '2’ and weighs 90 pounds, using this online BMI calculator we find their BMI is 16.46. Using the standard BMI chart below, we can see that this individual is underweight, which is often as unhealthy as being overweight.

The standard BMI chart for adults is shown below. The BMI for young people and kids is determined using a different format, and the results reflect percentiles based on their peers.

  • Underweight: (unhealthy) under 18.49;
  • Normal weight: (ideal or healthy) 18.5 and 24.99;
  • Overweight: BMI is between 25 and 29.99;
  • Obese: BMI is greater than or equal to 30.
    • Class 1 obesity 30 to 34.9;
    • Class 2 obesity 35 to 39.9;
    • Class 2 obesity 40+.
BMI categories

What Does A BMI Of 30 Mean?

When an individual’s BMI reaches 30 or above, they fall into the category of obesity. Having a BMI of 30 does not automatically mean that someone is unhealthy, but it is an indication that they have a higher risk of experiencing a serious health condition. Higher BMIs are known to be related to diabetes, heart disease, joint issues, and more.

A BMI of 30 means that they may have excess body fat, which can lead to numerous health conditions, and according to Cancer.org, carrying excess weight elevates the risk of contracting several types of cancer. In the United States, obesity is responsible for approximately 5% of the incidence of cancer in men and 11% of the incidence of cancer in women. They also attribute 7% of cancer-related deaths to obesity.

Is BMI To Be Solely Relied Upon?

BMI is a quick and easy way to categorize a patient and their potential for medical problems, but BMI is not an ideal system of measurement. It does not consider muscle mass, which weighs more than excess fat. If we looked at the BMI of most of the National League Football players, they would all fall into the obese category.

It does not account for gender, ethnicity, or body composition. Men are naturally more muscular, and women naturally have more body fat. To get a more accurate picture of how healthy you are in relation to how much actual body fat you are carrying, you need to have a percentage of body fat assessed. These tests take into consideration your gender as well as your age.


Can You Get Surgical Help For Weight Loss With A BMI Of 30?

While you won’t qualify for weight loss surgery with a BMI of 30, you can find less invasive forms of assistance. Gastric bypass or gastric sleeve are used for patients with a BMI of at least 35 or higher who have health problems because of their weight or a BMI of 40 or greater. Regardless of your BMI, to qualify for bariatric surgery, you will have to meet certain requirements to satisfy the surgeon who will perform your procedure and your insurance company if you are using your medical coverage.

Options For Weight Loss For Individuals With A BMI Of 30

Traditional methods of diet and exercise are always options if you have a BMI over 30. While these work for some people, there are others who have made several attempts at weight loss and have been unsuccessful. If you can relate, you will be pleased to know there are options that can help you reach your weight loss goals.

Endoscopic Weight Loss Tools That Work

When conventional methods of losing weight are not effective for you, an endoscopic procedure might be just what you need to jumpstart your weight loss journey. These are especially helpful to those who have a BMI of 30 and have just reached the obese BMI range. The sooner you get your weight back to a healthy range, the less chance you will develop metabolic or other health issues. At Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Centers, we offer the following non-surgical weight loss procedures:

Intragastric Balloon

We offer the and weight loss balloons that can help individuals lose weight without having to undergo surgery. These medical devices are placed in the stomach and take up so much room that you are only able to eat very small amounts during meals. Because there is a balloon in your stomach, it helps keep you feeling full, and you do not get hungry very often. The balloon is removed in six or eight months, depending on your specific program, and you continue to practice the new behaviors, you learned during the time the balloon was in your stomach. If you continue these healthy behaviors such as eating smaller portions of the right types of foods, avoiding unhealthy foods, getting enough physical activity, etc., you will reach your goals for weight loss and maintain a healthy weight.

Suture Sculpt ESG (Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty)

This procedure is done with no incisions, no hospital stay, and offers a super quick recovery. Your stomach is made smaller through a special procedure that is completed entirely inside your stomach. The doctor accesses your stomach using an endoscope that is lowered down the esophagus, so there is no need for abdominal incisions. Then your stomach is folded to reduce its size and is shaped into a small tube-shaped pouch that is held in place with sutures.

Once you get home, you are not restricted from any activities and can do whatever you want. When you have surgery, you often cannot shower, bathe, swim, or participate in certain activities for some time due to the incisions. After your procedure, you will not be able to eat very much during one meal because your stomach will be much smaller. Also, it will take longer for your food to digest and leave your stomach, so you won’t get hungry as fast. When you add healthy lifestyle adjustments to the equation, the weight will come off and stay off.

Prescription Weight Loss Medication

Some individuals can benefit from prescription weight loss medications. When used in conjunction with consistent lifestyle changes or in addition to an endoscopic weight loss procedure, they can provide that extra help to break through some common weight loss barriers. These weekly injections work with your digestive system to help it run more efficiently while also stopping the “food chatter” that is a constant hindrance to those attempting to lose weight. With the cravings and hunger pangs at bay, it is easier to stay committed to your program.

If you have or are approaching a BMI of 30, take control of your weight today and do not let it get out of hand. It is a bigger challenge and a longer journey when you have more ground to cover. The team at Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center is here to help you get back on the right path to reach your goal of lowering your BMI.

Set up an appointment today to learn more about the options available and let us help create a program that best suits your circumstances and needs. We understand the complexities of weight loss and have the tools and strategies to break through underlying conditions that may have held you back in the past. Take a look at some of our recent patients and be inspired by their success. We look forward to talking with you soon!



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